Bob and Mitch write a novel!

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Preface (pt. 1)

When I think of a novel, I think of a book with a story or two traversing its pages. When I think of a book with a story or two traversing its pages, though, I do not think of a novel. Instead, I think that traversing pages is a somewhat odd thing for a story (or two) to do. So it appears that the logic of reversable statements will not help us with this novel. With this in mind, I ask you, the reader to join us, the co-authors, in a willing suspension of belief* and enjoy this, what the critics are bound to call a "jolly romp through the electrons of weblogs."

* I am aware that this is not the exact phrase that's usually batted about in English classes, but I think suspending disbelief is passé.


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