First of all I am so sorry it took me sooooooooooooo long to write, won't happen again, I promise.
SUDDENLY!!! Bright lights filled the alley (which, by the way, was real dark until then) and I caught brief glimpses of my alleyway companions as they scattered into all sorts of nooks and crannies; leaving me standing all alone, knee deep in trash squinting into the harsh, sudden brilliance.
“Hey!” said a gruff voice “what’re you doin’ in the dumpster?”
“Who said that?” I said
“Me who?”
“Me Policeman. That’s who. Now what the heck are you doin’ in the dumpster?”
“Well, see officer, I… uh…” not wanting to admit that I hadn’t the foggiest notion how I ended up in the dumpster I fell back on my brilliant storytelling skills.
“I’m not in a dumpster.” Okay maybe they aren’t that brilliant. I could tell that the policeman wasn’t buying my story so I decided to run for it, I hopped out of the dumpster and sprinted away. Or I would have if I wasn’t still half-blind from staring into those headlights, what I really did was hop out of the dumpster and sprint two steps into the police officer. He apparently wasn’t amused and that’s how I wound up in jail.
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